Friday, August 20, 2010

How can I be on our mortgage without an existing credit score?

My husband and I want to apply together for a mortgage, his credit score is excellent, mine is non-existent since I have been in the US for only 3 years and have used credit cards related to my husband's account only. Is there still a way for me to be on the mortgage?How can I be on our mortgage without an existing credit score?
yes you will need a social security card first.

FHA allows non-scoring borrowers but the rates might not be as well as having a excellent credit score.

this also depends on how much you want to put down, and your income.How can I be on our mortgage without an existing credit score?
yes, just have his name first on the application and it will all be fine.
Unfortunately, since you have a combined credit score, they will only report your husband's credit score (since you credit cards are related to your husband's account).

My suggestion if you want to have your own credit rating, I would suggest for you to talk to your husband about opening a credit card for your self and not have your husband's name on it.

Usually they would put the wife's name on the mortgage just incase the husband can not pay for the mortgage anymore, so yes, your name will be in the mortgage. Just make sure that you have your own job and that you can help your husband pay for it.
Yes If you have a green card! as far as getting the mortgage your husbands credit would be the score they look at also you must hold a job to be on the mortgage!
Yes, Let him apply by himself but on the house title include your name. That how I did it.

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